Downtown Community Church

UI: Be Resilient - Product vs. Process

August 03, 2020 DCCtally
Downtown Community Church
UI: Be Resilient - Product vs. Process
Show Notes

Most of us see other people’s needs to gain more resiliency, but can be blind to our own. We have a tendency to quit on tasks in the “messy middle” once we’ve gotten tired from the work we’ve already done, but the end is not yet in sight. In Nehemiah 4, Nehemiah models obedience in the process of building the wall while trusting God with the finished product. When we focus on the product, we gain a false sense that we are the ones in control rather than God. We are able to fully engage in obedience while remembering that the Lord controls the outcome. Because God wants relationship with us, and relationships are always about the process rather than the product, we gain resiliency by enjoying and engaging with God on a daily basis.